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dA | 313.2 |
dC | 289.2 |
dG | 329.2 |
dT | 304.2 |
A | 329.2 |
C | 305.2 |
G | 345.2 |
U | 306.2 |
DNA base pair ~ 618
You can use DNA Calculator to:
Open a sequence file (txt, fasta or GenBank format) or paste a sequence in the area below.
Set the nucleic acid parameters:
GC content:
Molecular weight:
Molarity of 1 μg/μl solution:
Number of molecules in 1 μg:
Approx. 260 nm extinction coefficient:
A260 of 1 μg/μl solution after 100-fold dilution:
In the following boxes, always fill all but one field and click 'Calculate'. Don't use commas to separate thousands.
We recently identified and rectified an error in our DNA calculator, specifically affecting calculations for double-stranded DNA. Prior to March 25th, 2025, 14:00 GMT, the calculator employed an incorrect constant (0.0059 instead of 0.059) in the formula for double-stranded DNA (reference). This resulted in inaccurate values for the approximate 260 nm extinction coefficient (ε260) and A260 of 1 μg/μl solution after 100-fold dilution for double-stranded DNA. Calculations for other nucleic acid types (e.g., single-stranded DNA, RNA) were not affected. The calculator has been updated with the correct constant. We apologize for any inconvenience and encourage users to recalculate any affected double-stranded DNA values.
These are structures of the common bases found in nucleic acids (DNA and RNA). Nitrogen atoms forming N-glycosidic bonds with ribose or deoxyribose are highlighted with blue color. Red dotted lines mark the sites of hydrogen bonds responsible for base pairing in double stranded DNA molecules or in complementary regions of RNA molecules.
These are approximate molecular weights of nucleotides incorporated into a nucleic acid molecule (not dissociated, no counterions). Molecular weights of nucleotides that are a part of a nucleic acid differ from free nucleoside 5'-monophosphates by a weight of a water molecule. For high-precision molecular weights (5 decimal places) of both free and incorporated nucleotides see the user guide.
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It is recommended to use empricial rules for high molecular weight DNA and RNA. For DNA and RNA oligonucleotides, the calculations based on predicted extinction coefficients give more accurate results.
Empirical rules for the relationship between nucleic acid concentration and 260 nm absorbance (OD260):
260 nm absorbance value 1 (alias "1 OD260 unit") corresponds to the following concentrations:
NOTE: OD260 units are sometimes used to describe quantities of nucleic acids. One OD260 unit is the amount of nucleic acid that will give 260 nm absorbance 1 after dissolution in 1 ml of solvent.